
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers Blog


Divorce, Health Insurance, and Child Support in New Jersey

In addition to calculating each parent’s child support obligation the cost of providing health insurance for the parties’ children has to be calculated, and allocated between the parties. There are two ways to calculate the health care premium for the children. The first is to calculate the actual marginal cost…


Exchange of Child Custody in New Jersey – Pick Up and Drop Off Basics

Locations Every custody and parenting time (visitation) agreement should address the issue of pick up and drop off of the children. In the low or no-conflict situation the parties can agree to pick up and drop off at the other person’s residence or any mutually convenient location. However, in a…


Quitclaim Deeds and Mortgage Refinancing – Removing Your Spouse’s Name After Divorce in New Jersey

A recurrent situation is where the parties to a divorce decide that one party will remain in the property after the divorce and they have to get the other party’s name off of the deed and/or the note and mortgage. Here’s How To Remove Your Ex-Spouse From The Deed To…


New Jersey Child Support Worksheet and Parental Income

Child support in New Jersey is paid on a weekly basis by the non-custodial parent (the Parent of Alternate Residence – PAR) to the custodial parent (the Parent of Primary Residence – PPR). The amount of child support to be paid is calculated by using one of two worksheets which…


Right To Stay in The House After Divorce in New Jersey

The following scenario plays out quite often as a couple is divorcing: Wife has primary custody of the children and she wants to remain in the house after the divorce so that the children can maintain some stability, finish high school and graduate with their friends. Husband wants to sell…


The New Jersey Divorce Complaint and Marital Fault – Why You May Want To Exercise Discretion

The Purpose of the Divorce Complaint The divorce complaint is the initial document filed and served in the divorce process. It is filed with the court and then served on your spouse. The primary purpose of the complaint is to let the defendant (your spouse) and the court know why…


Credit Card Debt and Divorce in New Jersey – Who Is Responsible To Pay

When parties are separating or divorcing one of the key issues to be addressed is any credit card debt incurred during the marriage. As a general rule, marital debt is joint debt as long as the debt is incurred for “marital purposes” or “family expenses”. Here are some examples where…


Housing, Child Support, and Living Expenses – Who Pays During A Separation or Divorce in New Jersey

A divorce or separation rarely starts off in a clean, orderly fashion. Once the relationship begins to deteriorate there is often a messy period where the parties rights and options are sorted out. Who stays and who goes, and on what timeline? Who pays for what expenses? Who keeps what?…


Abandonment, Occupancy and Access To The Property During a New Jersey Divorce

If you are contemplating a divorce or separation one of the trickiest issues to navigate is who will stay in the property while the divorce is being worked out and who will go. If you can agree on who will stay and who will vacate, and you can agree on…

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