
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers Blog


Short Sales and Deeds In Lieu Of Foreclosure – Options To Explore in a New Jersey Divorce

Since the 2008 mortgage crisis New Jersey home values have taken a substantial hit, losing approximately one-third of their value in some communities. Over the past couple of years values have been on the rebound. However, the pace has been very slow. If you’re going through a divorce, your home…


(QDROs) Qualified Domestic Relations Orders in New Jersey Divorce Practice

Other than real estate, often times the largest assets to be distributed in a divorce are the parties retirement assets. Retirement assets include pensions, IRAs, 401ks, 403Bs, deferred income, and other funds allocated for retirement. The question arises – how are the assets physically distributed? What mechanism is used to…


Life Insurance and Child Support in New Jersey Divorce Practice

Generally speaking, in a New Jersey divorce, the parent who has to pay child support is required to carry life insurance. The rationale for requiring the person paying child support to maintain life insurance is that the child support obligation is a multi-year obligation. If the person paying child support…


Daycare Costs, Divorce, and Child Support in New Jersey

On top of basic child support both parents have a duty to contribute to the cost of the custodial parent’s work-related childcare expenses.Work-related childcare expenses are not limited to the cost of placing a child in daycare. Work-related childcare can also include: after-school care, care provided prior to school, having…

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